The philosophy of Forte Yard Montessori School is based on the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori whose holistic vision of education focuses on the cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs of the child. FYMS fully aligns with the philosophy of Dr. Montessori that education is preparation for life.

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Parents corner

  /  Parents corner



     1. School Hours

8.00am -1.30pm Mondays to Fridays. Please note that children should be dropped promptly between 7:15am -8:00am and picked up at 1.30pm. After school start at 2:30pm to 6pm.Our crèche opens at 6:30am.

       2. Requirements

Comfortable clothes and diapers for the crèche. A spare set of clothes is recommended for all children, particularly the Toddlers. Those being potty trained should come in training pants, with spares and their changing kits.
For Hygiene reasons, we also ask children to bring in their own hand towels (clearly marked) daily.
A snack box must also be brought in daily, containing juice and water as parents/caregivers wish. Our staffs are available to help younger ones with feeding and we will heat up food as directed.
More specifically, the Toddlers will require:
A small pack of wipes
Hand towel (One a week for each child)
A bottle of drinking water for each child
Snack lunch which MUST include a piece of fruit daily, this should be chopped into small cubes (except for bananas)
Change of clothes and Outdoor shoes (sandals or crocs)
      3. Discipline
We apply a time-out method, with children being encouraged to sit quietly in the corner until they settle and if they are continuously disruptive, we let them settle outside. They are closely supervised and monitored at all times by staff and in close adherence to our Montessori principles; we will always apply dialogue to encourage positive behaviour by all children, which is emphasized in our daily grace and courtesy activities.
    4. Visits
Although we encourage parents/guardians to come and see us and what we do at FMS, it is imperative that parents should schedule an appointment prior to their visit. This will help us structure the visit in such a way that it has a minimally disruptive effect on the child’s learning activity and process. Appointments can be scheduled through any of the numbers indicated (preferably after school hours) except of course at the instance of emergencies.